It was recently reported that the Hungarian government is also trying to pave the way for battery recycling plants by amending the law, and the Minister of Economy has been persuading several battery recycling companies in South Korea and China to invest in Hungary. According to a statement from the…
The environmental price of battery-recycling plans of the Hungarian government
2024.09.22. 15:56 VGI
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Címkék: magyarország környezetvédelem eng akkumulátor gyártás Hungary éltető andrea battery industry environmental pollution
Hungary is the recent European leader in Chinese investment: but who benefits?
2024.09.09. 10:32 VGI
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Címkék: eng China FDI Sass Magdolna
Not always visible, but plenty – hazardous waste in Hungarian battery factories
2024.05.22. 10:40 VGI
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Címkék: eng éltető andrea automotive industry battery industry environmental pollution
Domestic and European financial solidarity - The case for Hungary
2020.10.01. 09:10 Világgazdasági Intézet
1 komment
Címkék: eng portfolioblogger EU Hungary Szijártó Norbert covid financial solidarity
Carbon lock-in snubs EU climate goal (again)
2019.06.27. 10:46 Világgazdasági Intézet
Climate Central has stylized the horror of rising yearly average temperatures into aesthetically appealing warming stripes, subtly reminding the broader public of the deteriorating climate of our Globe. Although, I am not sure if we need reminding, given rising levels of climate anxiety. The climate…
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Címkék: eng energetics portfolioblogger EU climate change John Szabó
The buds of a changing energy culture in Norway
2019.03.25. 14:55 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng energetics portfolioblogger climate change Norway John Szabó
Brothers in Arms? Recent Developments in Hungary-Huawei Relations in the Context of Global Huawei Phobia
2019.02.27. 15:56 Világgazdasági Intézet
In the past few months, Huawei has become a target of harsh criticism in many Western countries. From the United States and Canada all the way to Australia and New Zealand, policymakers fear that the Chinese telecommunications giant will abuse its dominant market position as the biggest provider of…
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Címkék: eng portfolioblogger Hungary China Huawei Peragovics Tamás
Will Hungary respond to European concerns on Chinese foreign investment?
2018.10.30. 20:20 Világgazdasági Intézet
A preliminary assessment on foreign investment screening in Hungary
In the past couple of years, Chinese companies have steadily increased their economic presence and expanded their investment portfolio in the Central and Eastern European region. While cooperation between CEE countries and China is…
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Címkék: eng EU Hungary China International Visegrad Fund investment screening Peragovics Tamás
Chinese economic influence in Hungary - Rhetoric versus realities
2018.09.20. 18:33 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng Hungary szunomár ágnes China central and eastern europe Visegrad countries One Belt One Road International Visegrad Fund
A Soviet project tempts Europe…again
2018.07.19. 14:12 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng közép kelet európa portfolioblogger EU Amerikai Egyesült Államok central and eastern europe John Szabó United States of America
Public finance consolidation in V4 plus Ukraine
2015.06.18. 11:51 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng portfolioblogger Ukraine Peter Golias public finance consolidation Visegrad countries
The impact of European Union membership on Hungarian agricultural trade
2014.09.20. 18:34 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng kiss judit Hungary agriculture Hegedüs Zsuzsanna
Assessing welfare state generosity ratios for different welfare regimes
2014.01.05. 21:15 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng portfolioblogger welfare state Orosz Ágnes welfare models
The EU and its Eastern Partners: the role of the ‘Russia factor’ - Thoughts related to the Vilnius summit and the Ukrainian ‘NO’
2013.11.28. 14:09 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: ukrajna oroszország eng portfolioblogger ludvig zsuzsa Ukraine eastern partnership
Financial regulation differences in the EU and the US
2013.10.28. 09:55 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng biedermann zsuzsánna Orosz Ágnes financial market regulation Dodd-Frank Act EMIR MiFID Basel III CRD IV
Some relevant details about social processes – the challenges we face
2013.10.24. 15:33 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: social population eng EU processes
Mobilizing LULUCF in the Post-Kyoto Framework
2013.05.10. 13:59 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng climate change LULUCF David Ellison Mattias Lundblad Hans Petersson Post-Kyoto Framework
The development of Hungarian foreign trade with Asia
2013.05.03. 14:11 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: trade asia eng portfolioblogger éltető andrea völgyi katalin
The cost efficient inclusion of LULUCF in the EU Climate Policy Framework
2013.04.26. 13:33 Világgazdasági Intézet
2 komment
Címkék: eng portfolioblogger david ellison climate change hans petersson LULUCF EU Climate Policy Framework
Romanian elections 2012
2012.12.10. 18:10 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng Románia Orosz Ágnes
Is world trade recovering from the crisis?
2012.11.25. 21:01 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: crisis eng kiss judit world trade
On the Future of REDD+ and the Carbon Market
2012.11.07. 15:55 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: eng david ellison climate change
Global labour market and profit trends
2012.10.30. 13:28 Világgazdasági Intézet
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Címkék: market munkaerőpiac eng labour artner annamária
Where the management of the crisis had already begun before the crisis – Brazil
2012.10.29. 13:07 Világgazdasági Intézet
Considering both its economy and population together, Brazil represents the 6th largest country in the world. The country is one of five new major players in the global economy referred to as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. The last several decades of development…